NGO 地球のつながり方協会(NGO EarthLink Society)の趣旨を説明します。
Dear All
The group consortium, Tikyu Tunagari, is operating several community pages on FB, Twitter and Blogs, based on NGO Earth Link Society (Tikyu Tunagari). This is the intention to inform you all the users of Tikyu Tunagari of the contents of communities and groups under the consortium. The activity is centered in world wide E-Learning, rich of variety as well as Japanese Expat Communication on abroad, and their outbound tourism and for anybody coming from abroad for inbound tourism in Japan. We hope you enjoy our facilitation of connecting the people to people in various cultural community groups in our consortium.
Short summary presentation of NGO Earth Link Society
「NGO地球のつながり方協会(NGO EarthLink Society)」の趣意をお知らせいたします。
Dear All
The group consortium, Tikyu Tunagari, is operating several community pages on FB, Twitter and Blogs, based on NGO Earth Link Society (Tikyu Tunagari). This is the intention to inform you all the users of Tikyu Tunagari of the contents of communities and groups under the consortium. The activity is centered in world wide E-Learning, rich of variety as well as Japanese Expat Communication on abroad, and their outbound tourism and for anybody coming from abroad for inbound tourism in Japan. We hope you enjoy our facilitation of connecting the people to people in various cultural community groups in our consortium.
Short summary presentation of NGO Earth Link Society
FACEBOOK Tikyu Tunagari community page
Earthlink portal site
「NGO地球のつながり方協会(NGO EarthLink Society)」の趣意をお知らせいたします。
FACEBOOK 地球のつながり方
Earthlink 地球のつながり方
Earthlink 地球のつながり方グループ